van der Veeken
Founding Partner & Senior Landscape Architect

Cees van der Veeken (1978) is senior landscape architect and founding partner of LOLA Landscape Architects. He graduated with honors from Wageningen University in 2003. Together with Eric-Jan Pleijster and Peter Veenstra he founded LOLA in 2006 and they directly won the Europan 8 for a site in Sintra, Portugal. Cees’ expertise lies in the field of research and design on a larger scale, regional parks and landscape structures.
Currently he is the project leader for several projects related to the redevelopment of the south of Rotterdam. Masterplan Feyenoord City, Rotterdam and the new Stadium of Feyenoord are two of the projects is he working on in close collaboration with OMA. Cees is as partner responsible for the adidas World Camus in Herzogenaurach, Germany (first phase opened in 2020). Among the other projects he worked on are design study Central Innovation District (The Hague, 2020/2021), Sport boulevard, Beach City Scheveningen (2017/2018), design competition Bijlmer Bajes Amsterdam (2017) and the in 2013 realized landscape garden for Natura Docet in Denekamp.
Cees teaches and lectures at various academies and universities, among activities as a juror, commissioner and visiting critic. In 2013 he received the Rotterdam Maaskant prize for Young architects. For this occasion he wrote the monograph of LOLA together with Peter Veenstra and Eric-Jan Pleijster the monograph of LOLA ‘Lost Landscapes’. Cees is co-author of the book Dijken van Nederland’ (Dikes of the Netherlands) that was published in 2014. Earlier publications are ‘Where agriculture disappears’ and ‘The future of Schiphol’ (s&ro, 2007).
- 1997/03 Landscape architecture and planning, specialization landscape architecture Wageningen UR, cum laude
- 2000/01 Technical landscape design, University of Copenhagen, DK
Professional experience (selection)
- 2021/… Juror Dutch Design Awards, category Habitat
- 2018/… Partner-in-charge Feyenoord Stadium
- 2018/… Partner-in-charge Masterplan Feyenoord City
- 2015/… Projectleader adidas World Campus
- 2014/… Q-team member A9 Badhoevedorp
- 2014 IABR 2014 – atelier and exhibition Brabantstad
- 2013/15 Visiting Critic, University of Applied Sciences München
- 2013 Committee member Architecture, Stimuleringsfonds voor Creatieve Industrie
- 2012/… Co-founder Dutch Water Design
- 2011/13 Teacher, Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam
- 2011/13 Committee member Stedenbouw, Stimuleringsfonds voor Architectuur, Rotterdam
- 2009/10 Juror Europan 10
- 2006/… Co-founder and partner LOLA Landscape Architects, Rotterdam
- 2004/06 Landscape architect, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague, NL
- 2003/04 University professor, chair Landscape Architecture, Wageningen UR
Projects (selection)
- 2020/21 Design study Central Innovation District, The Hague, NL
- 2018/… Feyenoord Stadium, Rotterdam, NL
- 2018/… Masterplan Feyenoord City, Rotterdam, NL
- 2015/20 adidas World Campus, Herzogenaurach, DE
- 2017/18 Design Indabe, Cape Town, SA
- 2017/18 Sport boulevard, Beach City Scheveningen, The Hague, NL
- 2017 Design competition, Bijlmer Bajes Amsterdam, AM Real Estate, NL (1st prize)
- 2016/17 Oosterhamriktracé, Groningen, NL
- 2014/16 Landscape design, Ertskade park, Amsterdam, NL (1st prize)
- 2014/16 Masterplan, Lineair park the Green Axis, Badhoevedorp, NL
- 2014/16 Masterplan, Sports park De Veldpost, Badhoevedorp, NL
- 2014 Community Center, Zwanenburg, Onix, NL (finalist)
- 2014 Changing Course New Orleans, Dutch Water Design (finalist)
- 2013/14 Publication, Dutch Dikes, RCE, Deltares, nHWBP, nai010, NL
- 2013/15 Brabantstad regional plan, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2014
- 2011/13 Landscape Centre, National Landscape of Twente, Dinkelland, NL (realized)
- 2011/13 Park Spaarnwoudertocht, Haarlemmermeer, NL
- 2011/16 Garden of the German-Dutch Embassy, Rabat, MA
- 2011/12 Landscape Masterplan Roerdelta, Roermond, NL
- 2010 Landscape study High Frequency Public Transport link, Hilversum – Huizen, NL
- 2009/11 Atlas of Levees, Island of IJsselmonde, NL
- 2009 Design study for Pampuswoud, Almere, NL
- 2006 Competition, Nature is my Neighbour! – Europan 8, PT (1st prize)
- 2006 Competition, Frutas Del Mar – XV Quito Pan-American Biennale of Architecture, EC (2nd prize)
- 2001 Competition, Livin’ On the Edge, zesde Eo Wijersprijsvraag, NL (1st prize)
- 2014 TOPOS Landscape Award 2014, Topos Magazine, Lausanne
- 2013 Rotterdam Jonge Maaskantprijs 2014, Maaskant Stichting, Rotterdam
Exhibitions (selection)
- 2021 In Search of Sharawadgi, Landscape Works of Piet Oudolf and LOLA, Schunck, Heerlen, NL
- 2014 Tapestry Metropolis Brabant, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, NL
- 2014 Mansholt, Landschap in Perspectief, Bureau Europa and Het Nieuwe Instituut, NL
- 2012 Composed Nature, Klankenbos, Neerpelt, NL
- 2012/13 900 KM Nile City, Int. Architecture biennale Rotterdam & Art Gallery Caïro, EG
- 2011 Composed Nature, Urban Explorers Festival, Dordrecht, NL
- 2010 Dutch Design Talent 2006-2010, Centraal Museum Utrecht, NL
- 2010 Heavy relic, Expositie Laag Water Zeeland, Middelburg, NL
- 2010 Vredeswijk, Workshop safety in embassy’s, The Hague, NL
- 2009 Indesem, master class, Rotterdam, NL (i.c.w. Staalplaat Soundsystem)
- 2008 La Luna Pena, Tent, Rotterdam, NL (i.c.w. Stereo Architects)
- 2008 Composed City, Wriezener Bahnhof, Berlin, DE (i.c.w. Staalplaat Soundsystem)
- 2007 Amsterdam Airport City, Virtual Museum Zuidas, Amsterdam, NL
- 2006 Frutas del Mar, XV Pan-American Biennale of Architecture, Quito, EC
Publications (selection)
- 2021 In Search of Sharawadgi, LOLA and Piet Oudolf, nai010 Publishers
- 2016 De adaptieve luchthaven, Schiphol naar de toekomst, nai010 Publishers
- 2014 De Canvasconnectie, Canvas 6 april 2014
- 2014 Dijken van Nederland, Nai010-uitgevers
- 2014 Natuurlijk Extremisme, Jaarboek De architect 2014
- 2013 De kliekjes op de kaart, Bob Witman, Volkskrant
- 2013 We willen allemaal groen zijn, Tracy Metz, NRC
- 2013 Lost Landscapes, monografie LOLA landscape architects
- 2012 Iedere Stad Een Eigen High Line, Archined
- 2012 Interview, Scape Magazine
- 2011 Tegengif voor de stad, NRC handelsblad
- 2011 Sound + Space, Archined
- 2011 Stadsrandenatlas van de Zuidvleugel, eigen beheer
- 2011 Olifantenkooi, Architectuur NL
- 2010 Trains, cars and trees, ISEA2010 RUHR conference proceedings
- 2010 Heavy Relic, Laag Water Zeeland
- 2009 Gouden Gids van mooi Nederland, Archined
- 2009 Modder als voorland, Blauwe Kamer magazine
- 2009 Platform, Architectuur.nl magazine
- 2009 Hoogspanningsparken, Archined magazine
- 2008 Stop de Groene verrommeling! Blauwe Kamer magazine
- 2007 Het grote Wimby! boek, NAi Publishers
- 2007 De beste plek, Veenman Publishers
- 2007 Een onafhankelijke geest, Blauwe Kamer magazine
- 2006 De auto als protagonist, Tuin & Landschap magazine
- 2006 Massa maken voor innovatief ruimtegebruik, Nova Terra magazine
- 2006 Exurbia / Buiten Wonen, Episode Publishers
- 2002 Blik op de weg, Rooilijn magazine