Park passage creates new social and natural connections
‘Parkpad’, the passage on the Westersingel has got a transparent volume of the Lobby on the left and a sheltered, vegetated wall on the right. By this strong contrast, two welcoming arms are created, that flank the passage and guide the pedestrian. One inviting arm, a social connection, for the Rotterdammer, in which all programmatic functions converge with the entrance of the Lobby. In addition, a green arm, the ecological connection, which accompanies everything that crawls and flutters from the Wijkpark Oude Westen to the Westersingel and vice-versa. The ecological connection connects the tree crowns of the park via the wooden ceiling and the tuff wall with ferns, mosses and climbing plants to the tree crowns of the Westersingel.
Sustainable transformation for humans and animals
Westerpoort transforms instead of demolishes the building, in a way that the column structure, which ensures flexible use, is reused. Any material that is removed is being reused in any way possible. For example, the natural stone façade of the existing building is incorporated into the paving of the passage. Building rubble from returns as a foundation under the Parkpad and as a substrate on the nature roof, where after treatment it becomes a nurturing soil for plants. Besides the natural wooden roof of the passage, hiding places and nesting boxes for animals and insects are being integrated throughout the project. A special feature is the ecological tower of the Parkwachter pavilion with integrated nesting boxes for birds, insects and bats as the centerpiece in the garden.